You are finding Economics at an Undergraduate level difficult, or if you would like to prepare ahead of starting your 1st year at university. Sometimes at university, in very large lecture theatres, new concepts are introduced too quickly to fully grasp immediately. I am happy to offer bespoke tutorials on specific topics, or go over specific misunderstandings you may have.
I have taught 2nd and 3rd Year Economics topics at Cambridge University and currently help deliver the Macroeconomics module on the Executive MBA and MBA at the Judge Business School (Cambridge University).
I am able to teach:
Game Theory: this covers from a basic introduction to more advanced mathematical applications. Topics covered include: sequential vs simultaneous games, Nash Equilibria, Backward induction, Sub-Game-Perfect Nash Equilibria, Dominant vs dominated strategies, Iterative deletion of dominated strategies, Minimax solutions, Repeated games, Focal points, Pure Strategies, Mixed strategies, Bertrand vs Cournot competition, Auction theory
Consumer theory: topics covered include constrained optimisation, diagrammatical and mathematical analysis of utility maximisation behaviour, MRS, calculating income vs substitution effects, elasticities, demand functions.
Constrained optimisation: topics cover the use of Lagrangians and the Lagrange multiplier
Theory of the firm: topics covered include isocosts, isoquants, MRTS, cost functions, price (Bertrand) vs quantity (Cournot) competition, Stackelberg competition
Econometrics: topics covered include: time series, cross-section, panel data; statistical significance tests and analysis, Gauss-Markov conditions
Development Economics: topics covered include development growth models, Two-Sector model, Rostow’s model of development
Macroeconomic growth models: topics include IS/LM model
Dissertation guidance
Use the Contact Me button on the right to arrange a time to discuss your needs.
Please note: I am NOT offering to do ANY writing of essays or dissertations or solving problem sets for you. But I am happy to guide, provide you with assistance, and point you in the right direction.